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BHLEG – Solarmegin, 2CD

Mehr von Bhleg

Mehr von Nordvis

Lagerstatus: vorrätig
Lieferstatus: 5-7 Tage

14,90 €
*=Inkl. MwSt.: 2,38 € zzgl. Versandkosten

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2CD Jewel Case

The Sun: life-giver to all beings, great and small. It always has, and will long after mankind is dead and gone. It is what warms the earth and pulls life from the soil. Even in this modern age, the world is indebted to the Sun, this ageless being, for vitalizing sustenance.

 "Solarmegin", the principle and celebration of the Sun, culminates four years of ancient meditation and solar worship at the hands of the brothers of Swedish folk metal duo Bhleg. The 98 minutes of this rugged, earth-bound gratitude to the distant sphere of fire was only composed on the brightest of days, a sun-fulfilled being all its own.

Like any other plant, animal, human which owe its life to the sun, the folk metal of "Solarmegin" is jagged, blemished, imperfect. It is naltural, a being of soil and organic matter as ancient and weathered as the primeval music and cultures which inspired its composition.

 Their lengthy, two disc solar celebration does not shine, much like soil does not shine. This is folk metal which predates the genre's plastic self. Bhleg is a reminder that the folk eement of folk metal is age-old, a primitive art which is meant to be cracked and earthen. [quote Label]


01 - Alvstråle
02 - Sunnanljus
03 - Alyr - helgedomen
04 - Gudomlig grönska
05 - Alstrande sol
06 - Livslågans flammande sken
07 - Kraftsång till Sunna  

08 - Hymn till skymningen
09 - Skuggspel
10 - Solvagnens flykt
11 - Kärleksrit
12 - Frö (växtlighetens fader)
13 - Solens ankomst

Cat.nr: NVP063-CDJ

Garvaregatan 6
933 32 Arvidsjaur

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*=inkl. MwSt, exkl. Versandkosten