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BRÒN - Pred dverima noći, CD

Mehr von BRÒN

Mehr von Nordvis

günstigster Versand ab 3,90 €
Lagerstatus: Momentan nicht lieferbar

12,90 €
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Through the cosmic mists it descends upon us, the new full-length album of atmospheric black metal/ambient act BRÒN: "Pred dverima noći" is here. Finding inspiration from the wilderness encountered on founder KG's voyage from his native New Zealand through Scotland and now Serbia, BRÒN's fifth LP is adorned with enthralling, majestic soundscapes and endless streams of melodies and harmonies, propelling the listener into the vast expanses beyond the conscious mind. 

With three sprawling tracks all clocking in at over 15 minutes, "Pred dverima noći" spreads its mysterious, 90's-harkening blend of ethereal synths, harsh vocals, ferocious blast beats, and thick atmosphere across the planes of time. If your musical preferences include the likes of LIMBONIC ART, EVILFEAST or DARKSPACE, look no further than BRÒN to bring you home.

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*=inkl. MwSt, exkl. Versandkosten