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ITERUM NATA - From the Infinite Light, LP (Black)

Mehr von Iterum Nata

Mehr von Nordvis

Lagerstatus: vorrätig
Lieferstatus: 5-7 Tage

20,90 €
*=Inkl. MwSt.: 3,34 € zzgl. Versandkosten

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Drawing from a wellspring of sinister musings and an incessant drive for musical experimentation, Iterum Nata presents “From the Infinite Light”, due for release by Nordvis on March 15, 2024.

In the wake of his critically acclaimed 2023 album, “Trench of Loneliness”, Jesse Heikkinen (The Abbey, Henget, ex-Hexvessel) embarks on a bold foray across the boundaries between folk music, black and doom metal, neo-folk, and progressive rock, orchestrating a symphony where every note is a harbinger of both darkness and light.

As twelve-string and six-string acoustic guitars weave a cloak of folky serenity, tremolo-picked electric guitars inject black metal mysticism, forging a sound that's as distinctive as it is immersive. Fusing the brooding narratives of Nick Cave, the avant-garde creativity of Dødheimsgard, and the spectral chants of Dead Can Dance, “From the Infinite Light” is a beckoning path into a world where the melancholy of introspection meets the rage of existence.

“From the Infinite Light” was produced, recorded, and mixed by Jesse Heikkinen at Studio Beyond North Star. Cover art by Kjetil Karlsen. The album features guest appearances by Matron Thorn (Ævangelist, Benighted in Sodom), Rob Coffinshaker (The Coffinshakers), as well as renowned author and occultist Richard Kaczynski.

1. Overture: Infinite Light
2. This Gleaming Eternity
3. A Manifested Nightmare
4. Ambrosia
5. The Drifter
6. A Darkness Within
7. Something Truly Almighty
8. The Crown of All

Cat.nr: NVP202-LP

Garvaregatan 6
933 32 Arvidsjaur

Telefon: +46736336438
E-Mail: info@nordvis.com

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*=inkl. MwSt, exkl. Versandkosten