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Mehr von Gråande

Mehr von Nordvis

Lagerstatus: vorrätig
Lieferstatus: 5-7 Tage

9,90 €
*=Inkl. MwSt.: 1,58 € zzgl. Versandkosten

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Gråande is a new project by Nachtzeit from Lustre – the Swedish icon of ambient black metal. The self-titled EP offers two epic dirges richly textured by droning riffs, dreamlike minimalism, and synth-driven atmospheres. The keyboards and melodies bear all the hallmarks of Nachtzeit but stake out a path into colder and more ominous territory. Thematically, “Gråande” explores what it means to lose your connection to nature and give in to darkness and death – both within and without.

Gråande’s self-titled EP offers two epic dirges richly textured by droning riffs, dreamlike minimalism, and synth-driven atmospheres. The keyboards and melodies bear all the hallmarks of Nachtzeit’s work in Lustre but are woven together to create an entirely different tapestry. The drumming is rather austere but shows greater variation and delves into higher tempos.

Whilst the 2022 Lustre album “A Thirst for Summer Rain” had a core of warm, ethereal ambience, Gråande stakes out a path into colder and more ominous territory. Coincidentally, whereas “A Thirst…” was about hope, faith, and inspiration during dark times, “Gråande” explores what it means to lose your connection to nature and give in to darkness and death – both within and without.

“Gråande” will be released on CD and digital format in May 2023. The music was written, performed, and mixed by Nachtzeit. Vocals and lyrics by Nichil. Mastered at Green Lodge Studios.

1. Sjöar ovan
2. Evighetens kvarn

Cat.nr: NVP174-CD

Garvaregatan 6
933 32 Arvidsjaur

Telefon: +46736336438
E-Mail: info@nordvis.com

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*=inkl. MwSt, exkl. Versandkosten